Leave a wake of kindness, respect, hard work, and your legacy will live long...

Historically Speaking


Black Lives Matter movement, in some opinions, is a distraction from the real underlining issues of sustainable quality of life. If all people had "EQUAL" access to affordable housing, we together as one in society could then focus on family, work, relations, community, and happiness. Is it fair that we allow foreign countries and investment groups to own land in USA and force specific socioeconomic groups to then depend on the government for handouts?

Historically, Blacks are among one of the most "Institutionally" targeted races for discrimination in the housing industry beginning when the FHA began subsidizing housing after WWII.

  1. Historical Redlining Practices: Redlining was a discriminatory practice that originated in the 1930s and was officially sanctioned by the federal government through agencies like the Homeowners' Loan Corporation (HOLC). Neighborhoods were rated based on racial demographics, and areas with predominantly Black populations were often marked as high-risk, making it difficult for residents to secure loans or access favorable mortgage terms.

  2. Systemic Disinvestment: Redlining led to systemic disinvestment in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Financial institutions, influenced by redlining maps, were less likely to provide loans or invest in infrastructure development in these areas. This resulted in a lack of resources, diminished property values, and limited economic opportunities for residents.

  3. Generational Wealth Disparities: Redlining had long-lasting effects on generational wealth accumulation. Denied access to homeownership and favorable mortgage rates, Black families were hindered in building equity through property ownership, contributing to the persistent wealth gap between Black and white Americans.

  4. Continued Segregation: The legacy of redlining contributes to ongoing racial segregation in housing. The initial categorization of neighborhoods based on race led to the concentration of poverty in predominantly Black areas, perpetuating social and economic disparities.

  5. Legal Reforms and Lingering Effects: While redlining itself has been officially outlawed, its effects persist. Discrimination in housing, mortgage lending, and property valuation continues to be a challenge. Laws such as the Fair Housing Act have been enacted to address these issues, but disparities persist in the form of discriminatory lending practices, gentrification, and unequal access to housing resources.

We need to take the discussion of racism out of the conversation today and address the cause-and-effect relationships between X and Y of home ownership. If interest rates were fair for 1st time buyers (Fed Supported), and homes were affordable by disallowing major corporations from buying homes with cash and then remove that home from the owner market by turning it into a rental (supply and demand), then the prices of existing homes should remain lower (affordability), and all persons of any background can yield the benefits of ownership (equity growth, if paid off, more cashflow for health care, education, and expenditures that support local companies). If we keep addressing the historical context of redlining as a primary argument, we become segregated, and nothing gets done. However, with the Cause-and-Effect approach, then we can avoid the "Us vs. Them" arguments. This is crucial for dismantling institutional racism in the housing sector without bringing in race.

Many housing policies unjustly devalued homes, resulting in disparities in home equity and hindering fair access to home ownership for citizens and working immigrants alike. The following is to simply help us open a new dialogue and how we must learn from the past. The ramifications of said policies impacted society and our basic human rights for happiness.

History of Foreign ownership of land in the United States

Foreign ownership of land in the United States has been a topic of interest for both state and federal lawmakers. Let’s delve into the timeline and details:

  1. Historical Context:

  2. Recent State Legislation:

  3. Federal Rules:

  4. Growing Concerns:

In summary, while there are restrictions and regulations, foreign ownership of U.S. land remains a complex and evolving issue. Each state and federal framework has its own nuances and considerations.

Home development
Home development


Below is a list of programs and institutions that have a common purpose, "FAIR HOUSING ACCESS".

The problem is that their success hasn't made it any easier to own a home. Our taxpayers are being bilked for billions of dollars to support these programs in getting low rents for renters. Imagine if homes where affordable and you paid off your home. NO MORTGAGES to deal with, only maintenance, upkeep, and hopefully lower taxes. When a crisis hit the family, they are not worried about eviction. If a homeowner decides to leverage their equity for a loan and defaults, then they are responsible and must depend on the renting programs.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, several programs and political movements advocate for fair housing rights in the USA. Keep in mind that the popularity and effectiveness of these programs may evolve over time. Here are ten initiatives that have historically focused on promoting fair housing rights:

1. Fair Housing Act (FHA): Enacted in 1968, the FHA is a federal law prohibiting housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and familial status.

2. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):** HUD is a federal agency that implements and enforces housing policies, including those related to fair housing. It provides resources, investigates complaints, and works to ensure equal housing opportunities.

3. National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA): The NFHA is a non-profit organization focused on eliminating housing discrimination and promoting diverse, inclusive communities through education, advocacy, and enforcement.

4. Local Fair Housing Organizations: Numerous local organizations across the country, such as the Fair Housing Councils, work on the grassroots level to address housing discrimination, provide education, and support fair housing practices.

5. Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8): Administered by HUD, this program assists low-income individuals and families in securing affordable housing by subsidizing a portion of their rent.

6. Equal Rights Center (ERC): ERC is a non-profit organization that works to eliminate discrimination and promote equal access to housing and other services through advocacy, research, and education.

7. Homeownership Assistance Programs: Various government and non-profit programs provide financial assistance to make homeownership more accessible, particularly for marginalized communities.

8. Anti-Displacement and Gentrification Policies: Some local governments implement policies to prevent the displacement of residents due to gentrification, ensuring that housing development benefits existing communities.

9. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH): AFFH is a policy designed to address housing disparities by requiring communities that receive federal funding to take proactive steps to reduce segregation and increase fair housing opportunities.

10. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): Enacted to prevent redlining, the CRA encourages banks to meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

It's important to note that the landscape of fair housing initiatives may change, and new programs or movements may emerge. Stay informed about the latest developments in fair housing policies and advocacy efforts.

If we can get the support from each one of these programs, we can help them achieve their goals. If you know of anyone that works for any of these or similar programs, introduce them to this concept.